
Updated team member page and team dashboard

Website August 6, 2024

Team member page:

  • The team member page has been updated.
  • Team members can now link their own social media profiles (and other links) to their own cards.

Team dashboard:

  • The dashboard which is available to all team members has been updated.

Changelog and Branding pages added

Website July 30, 2024

Changelog page:

  • The Changelog page has been added to our new website.
  • From now on we want to log all noticeable changes on this page.
  • Discord users can also view new changelogs via the webhook.

Branding page:

  • The Branding page has been added to our new website.
  • On the Branding page, everyone can learn more about our colors and logos if they want to use them for something useful.