



Standard color codes

&4 (#be0000)
&c (#fe3f3f)

&6 (#fca51f)
&e (#fefe3f)

&2 (#00be00)
&a (#3ffe3f)

&b (#3ffefe)
&3 (#00bebe)

&1 (#0000be)
&9 (#3f3ffe)

&d (#fe3ffe)
&5 (#be00be)

&f (#ffffff)
&7 (#bebebe)

&8 (#3f3f3f)
&0 (#000000)



Hex/HTML Color Codes

You can use hex or HTML color codes on Skydinse from Universe rank upwards.
Please note that these colorcodes can only be displayed in the Java edition, as the Bedrock edition unfortunately does not support them.

First you need a hex/HTML color code. You can get such color codes e.g.
To be able to use the colorcode on Skydinse in the chat, in MSGs or on signs,
you simply have to write the “&” symbol in front of it.


Hex/HTML Color Code: #fda526
In-game Color Code: &#fda526


Color gradient

Please note that you must be able to use hex or HTML color codes for the color gradients (from Universe).

If you want to make a color gradient with hex/HTML color codes,
you can do this on the website!
Please remember to select the same colorcode format as described above (for the hex/HTML colorcodes)
described above! (Please select “Default” for “Output Format”).




Formatting codes

&l - Bold

&n - Underlined

&o - Italic

&k - Magic

&m - Strikethrough

&r - Reset