
What data do we store about your Discord account?

  • Your Discord UserID
  • Your account connections
    These include:
    - Your Discord Connection ID
    - Which Minecraft accounts you have connected
    - (if connected) the UUID of your account in the Minecraft Java edition
    - (if connected) the XUID of your account in the Minecraft Bedrock edition and the UUID generated from it
  • Your statistics
    These include:
    - Whether your statistics are activated
    - How often your statistics have already been accessed
    - How many chat messages you have sent
    - How much time you have spent in voice channels
  • Whether you are currently on the official Skydinse Discord server
  • How often you have already (re)entered the Skydinse Discord server

What is the stored data used for?

The data collected from our Discord server is used to provide features such as account linking and statistics.

How can I view my data?

On Discord, you can use the command /privacy action:info to see what data Skydinse has stored about you, your Discord account and, if applicable, your connected accounts.

Which data can be deleted and how can I request this?

If you want to leave the Skydinse Discord server (or have already left), all data on your Discord account can be deleted. If you want to stay on our Discord server, almost all of your data can be removed. You can see a list of the data stored on Discord HERE. The only data that cannot be deleted (as long as you continue to use our Discord server) is your Discord UserID and the current status (i.e. whether you are currently on our Discord server or not).